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Healthcare and Cleaning Services Available. To ask more

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Mental Health Supported Living Service

After assessing your unique mental health needs, we match you with a live-in carer who will provide exceptional care and trusted companionship.

Learning Disabilities Supported Living Services

We keep your family informed and updated about your care, which allows you and your loved ones to not worry about your ability to live positively.

Complex Care Supported Living Services

If you have complex care needs, live-in care can be an excellent option for maintaining your independence and enhancing your quality of life.

Domiciliary Care & Aged Adult Support Service

Domiciliary care covers many aspects of care, including personal care, and meal preparation/feeding, as well as support with accessing the community.

Live-in Homecare Service

When your care needs are more complex, live-in care can be an excellent option for maintaining your independence and enhancing your quality of life in the comfort of your own home.

Care Leavers & Lone Young Assylum Seekers

Supported Living services for unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC), through specialised individual support packages for their needs.



Clearing Away Hoarded Items and Belongings

As people face limitations in mobility and activity levels, they may start to keep items for longer than they would usually do. This may lead to unintentional hoarding, which we provide a service to assist with.

Thorough Cleaning for Service Users

Domiciliary care service users are highly vulnerable to infections from dust and living in unsanitary conditions. We provide a service where their premises are cleaned thoroughly to ensure optimum hygiene for Them.

Deep Cleaning Services for Safety & Wellbeing

The risk of falls is very high in service users who are advanced in age. This risk increases massively when people walk and maneuver in cluttered and disorganised spaces. We provide a de-cluttering service to assist in this area.

Domiciliary Care & Aged Adult Support Service

Domiciliary care covers many aspects of care, including personal care, and meal preparation/feeding, as well as support with accessing the community.

Live-in Homecare Service

When your care needs are more complex, live-in care can be an excellent option for maintaining your independence and enhancing your quality of life in the comfort of your own home.

Care Leavers & Lone Young Assylum Seekers

Supported Living services for unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC), through specialised individual support packages for their needs.

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We promote your independence and daily-living skills.

Living with mental illness or learning disabilities, or being of advanced age must not cause loss of independence and daily living skills.
  • You can fully participate in your own activities of daily living
  • We support you to do things for yourself with supervision
  • You are supported in the most patient way possible

The quickest way to achieve good quality of life is to know that your carers are genuinely interested in supporting you, and that they care about your welfare.

The Approach to Caring

Shared Across Circles Homecare LTD

Choose your pricing plan

We try our best to tailor a package that meets your particular needs and stays within your budget.


$05.99/ Month

For individuals or teams just getting started with project management.

  • 1 Bathroom homecare

  • Up to 3 bedrooms homecare

  • 1 Livingroom homecare

  • Small kitchen (0 – 150 ft2)

Get Started


$20.99/ Month

For teams that need to create project plans with confidence.

  • Up to 2 bathrooms homecare

  • Up to 4 bedrooms homecare

  • 2 Livingroom homecare

  • Medium kitchen (151 – 250 ft2)

Get Started


$50.99/ Month

For teams and companies that need to manage work across initiatives.

  • Up to 3 bathrooms homecare

  • Up to 5 bedrooms homecare

  • 3 Livingroom homecare

  • Medium kitchen (> 250 ft2)

Get Started
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